
Have you seen these yellow buckets in front of houses on Wednesdays and wondered…

[ad_1] Have you seen these yellow buckets in front of houses on Wednesdays and wondered what they were? Plate to Plant, led by Bella Kugel, visited with our Ambassadors today to talk about their community composting project. They use these buckets to collect organic material from homes to process into nutrient rich soil at Marvin [...]

2021-01-21T23:12:50-06:00January 19th, 2021|Imagine Grinnell|

The gardens are still growing despite the cooler weather last week. Yellow zucch…

[ad_1] The gardens are still growing despite the cooler weather last week. Yellow zucchini and cucumbers at Ahrens Park garden. Stop out and pick anytime. [ad_2] Source

2020-10-08T16:21:46-06:00October 8th, 2020|Giving Gardens|
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