spirit of giving

Spirit of Giving winner, Dr. JR Paulson

November 1, 2020 Dr. JR Paulson, Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation's final Spirit of Giving award winner, has made a habit of giving back to our community. He led the Grinnell Hospice program for over 30 years, providing compassionate end-of-life care to patients while always seeking to improve services through innovative programs like music therapy. He [...]

2020-11-04T22:17:00-06:00November 1st, 2020|JPK|

Annual Big GIVE for Poweshiek County kicks off with Spirit of Giving on October 4th

September 26, 2018 Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation will celebrate the launch of the 2018 Big GIVE fundraising campaign with the annual Spirit of Giving event which applauds the important role donors and volunteers have in community success throughout the county.  The public is welcome to attend the event to celebrate with the Foundation. Heavy hors d’oeuvres [...]

2020-09-29T20:23:07-06:00September 26th, 2018|Foundation News|


October 13, 2016 The Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation (GPCF) bestowed its four annual awards during an Oct. 8 event and added a new award to be given as appropriate. The event raised over $12,000 for the foundation's Big Give Month, including an auction of two paintings created as attendees watched. Award recipients were Sig [...]

2020-10-21T15:30:37-06:00October 17th, 2016|Awards, Foundation News|
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