grinnell giving gardens

Imagine Grinnell Announces Plate to Plant Community Compost Initiative

August 3, 2020 Following Imagine Grinnell’s mission to create healthier people and a healthier environment in Grinnell, the local nonprofit has set out to support a new initiative: Plate to Plant. This community compost initiative aims to reduce the city’s landfill waste while simultaneously creating nutrient-rich soil. Bella Kugel and Sage Kaplan-Goland, two recent [...]

2020-09-29T19:02:12-06:00August 4th, 2020|Foundation News, Imagine Grinnell|

Giving Gardens Growing Produce to be Shared

June 23, 2020 The community garden project that began in 2013 at Grinnell Regional Medical Center has bloomed into 11 Giving Gardens--nine in the city of Grinnell and two in Brooklyn. The Giving Gardens are a collaborative effort of local organizations and individuals to improve the health of Poweshiek County residents by providing access [...]

Grinnell Giving Gardens

July 25, 2019 The Grinnell Giving Gardens crops are ready for harvest! Stop by the Ahrens Garden for cucumbers, Marvin Garden for strawberries, Davis Elementary, Fairview Elementary, Bailey Park Elementary and UnityPoint Health-GRMC Public Health for garlic, onions, radishes, peas, kale, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash and herbs. Be on the lookout for green [...]

2020-10-08T20:56:58-06:00July 25th, 2019|Giving Gardens|

Give A Garden

September 20, 2018 Get Into Grinnell Blog (Posted by the Grinnell Chamber of Commerce) Are you familiar with Grinnell's Giving Gardens? The first community Giving Garden was started in the summer of 2013 at Grinnell Regional Medical Center. The gardens were developed as a part of a community transformation grant, and are intended to give the [...]


July 2, 2018 On Saturday, July 7, Imagine Grinnell (IG) will combine its third annual Giving Gardens bike tour with a new offering—the first annual Grinnell Gravel Tour, a cycling option that is growing in popularity nationwide and within the community. The bike tour is being coordinated this year by IG intern Kate Wiley, [...]

2020-09-29T18:41:43-06:00July 11th, 2018|Foundation News, Imagine Grinnell|
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