She Counts

Middle School Students visiting w/ a 1st Gen College Student

May 27, 2022 The end of 8th grade and hearing from a 1st Generation student about college. So great to see so many kids for the activity and look forward to seeing them in High School.   Support women and girls in Poweshiek county by giving to SHE Counts. We offer a 1st Generation scholarship [...]

2022-07-27T12:49:00-06:00May 27th, 2022|She Counts|

March is Women’s History Month

March 21, 2022 As Women's History Month continues, please consider a gift to S.H.E. Counts in support of our programming: Math Club for girls at Davis Elementary Hygiene Drive 1st Generation Scholarship to a female GHS student and other 1st Gen programming Power Up educational events Please see the link to give today: [...]

2022-03-23T10:16:18-06:00March 21st, 2022|She Counts|

International Women’s Day

March 8, 2022 March 8 marks International Women’s Day and S.H.E Counts wants to take this time to celebrate the women in your life. Jane Casten, S.H.E. Counts board chair tells us “I was drawn to S.H.E counts by the support, awareness and impact the board was making within the community, allowing women’s voices to [...]

2022-03-08T13:21:15-06:00March 8th, 2022|Foundation News, She Counts|

Please help us out with this short survey

January 27, 2022 What are the needs of the community? Help us out by answering this short, anonymous survey.

Math Club for Girls at Davis Elementary

October 26, 2021 Math Club for Davis 3rd and 4th graders occurs on Wednesdays after school. Fun activities inside and outside occur to help teach and improve math skills for students. Volunteers are needed to help with the students. If you would like the sign up link, please message us! Math Club is one of [...]

2021-10-28T09:23:06-06:00October 26th, 2021|She Counts|

SHE Counts board gathers to distribute personal care items

September 13, 2021 SHE Counts board members gathered to distribute over 4100 feminine hygiene products. Thank you for all of the donations! Contributions can still be made at HyVee in Grinnell. All products to benefit, the high school and middle school, MICA and Crisis Intervention Services.

2021-09-16T12:58:54-06:00September 13th, 2021|Foundation News, She Counts|

Women’s Equality Day

August 27, 2021 Yesterday was Women's Equality Day, commemorating the struggles of women to be heard, as fierce advocates who gained the statutory right to vote. Women’s Equality Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on the continuing struggle for equality in the workplace and the role of women in our public life. We are [...]

2021-09-01T11:36:10-06:00August 26th, 2021|She Counts|
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