prairie burn

Registration Open for Imagine Grinnell’s Prairie Burn and 5K Fun Run June 8th

January 23. 2024 It may be cold and snowy, but Imagine Grinnell's Prairie Burn 100 gravel bike ride and 5K Fun Run registration is open! What a fun day for bike riders, and families. Check out the activities from last year: ->Storytime Art in the Park ->Yoga ->Farmers Market ->DJ Cox ->Food Trucks and [...]

2024-02-12T13:58:21-06:00January 23rd, 2024|Imagine Grinnell|

Imagine Grinnell Announces Upcoming Prairie Burn Gravel Events

October 24, 2023 Imagine Grinnell’s Prairie Burn group has announced plans to hold four, no-cost, 60-minute educational clinics about gravel biking, and a Gravel Gobbler event on Thanksgiving coinciding with the annual Turkey Trot run. The Burner Gravel Clinic series, for all gravel cyclists and those interested in gravel cycling aged 14 or older, will [...]

2023-11-09T13:59:17-06:00October 24th, 2023|Foundation News, Imagine Grinnell|

Prairie Burn 100 brings swirl of activities to Central Park

June 26, 2023 The Prairie Burn 100, sponsored by Imagine Grinnell, filled Central Park with people and activities on Saturday, June 10. A total of 182 riders and runners completed a gravel bike ride or 5K run while others enjoyed activities in the park and welcomed the athletes as they returned to the park. The [...]

2023-07-03T13:08:42-06:00June 26th, 2023|Foundation News, Imagine Grinnell|

Prairie Burn 100 Gravel Bike Ride and 5K Fun Run set for June 10, 2023

May 23, 2023 The Imagine Grinnell fundraiser and annual event, Prairie Burn 100 gravel bike ride is scheduled for Saturday, June 10th, 2023 in Grinnell, IA. New this year, a 5K Fun Run. Registration is still open for both activities and is the primary fundraiser for the non-profit Imagine Grinnell, a group that supports environmental, [...]

2023-05-23T15:28:07-06:00May 23rd, 2023|Foundation News, Imagine Grinnell|

Imagine Grinnell Announces Burner Gravel Clinics and Gravel Gobbler Event

November 4, 2022 Imagine Grinnell’s Prairie Burn group is holding 4, no-cost, 60-minute educational clinics about gravel biking, and hosting a Gravel Gobbler event on Thanksgiving coinciding with the annual Turkey Trot run. The Burner Gravel Clinic series, for all aged 14 or older, will focus on biking basics, from safety to pro tips. [...]

2022-11-29T09:51:25-06:00November 4th, 2022|Imagine Grinnell|

Imagine Grinnell seeks new board members

January 27, 2020 Imagine Grinnell is inviting interested community members to continue the legacy of Imagine Grinnell by joining the board or volunteering. The mission of Imagine Grinnell is to turn imagination into action to create a more vibrant, sustainable and healthy Grinnell. Imagine Grinnell began in 1985 with the dreams of a few [...]

2020-09-29T18:48:35-06:00January 29th, 2020|Foundation News, Imagine Grinnell|
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