davis elementary

Arbor Day tree planting at Davis Elementary

April 30, 2021 It’s Arbor Day and 1000 Trees continued tree planting at Davis Elementary . Six beautiful trees were added to the landscape with the help of TreeCorps members, high school student volunteers and Davis elementary students!

2021-05-12T14:21:40-06:00April 30th, 2021|Imagine Grinnell|

Imagine Grinnell kicks off 1000+ Trees Grinnell initiative with planting event

October 14, 2020 Imagine Grinnell will kick off the 1000+ Trees Grinnell initiative with a public planting event on October 24th beginning at 10AM. As part of its mission to turn imagination into action to create a more vibrant, sustainable, and healthy Grinnell, Imagine Grinnell is leading the effort for the replacement of community trees [...]

2020-10-14T19:58:28-06:00October 14th, 2020|Imagine Grinnell|

LINK is “Leave It Better Than You Found It” 2020 winner

August 27, 2020 LINK is the 2020 recipient of the “Leave It Better Than You Found It” award from the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation (CDAF). The “Leave It Better” award commemorates the August birthday of the late philanthropist Claude W. Ahrens. More than 300 area individuals, groups and [...]

2020-09-23T17:38:17-06:00August 27th, 2020|Foundation News|

Grinnell Giving Gardens

July 25, 2019 The Grinnell Giving Gardens crops are ready for harvest! Stop by the Ahrens Garden for cucumbers, Marvin Garden for strawberries, Davis Elementary, Fairview Elementary, Bailey Park Elementary and UnityPoint Health-GRMC Public Health for garlic, onions, radishes, peas, kale, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash and herbs. Be on the lookout for green [...]

2020-10-08T20:56:58-06:00July 25th, 2019|Giving Gardens|
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