ahrens park

New AEDs Installed at Ahrens Park!

February 27, 2025 Thanks to a collaboration with Poweshiek County Public Health and funding from opioid settlement grants, two outdoor Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are now available at Ahrens Park. The Ahrens Park Foundation firmly believes these devices play a vital role in cardiac emergencies, providing critical life-saving assistance that can significantly impact response times [...]

2025-02-27T15:29:22-06:00February 27th, 2025|Ahrens Park Foundation, Foundation News|

Trunk or Treat at Ahrens Park

October 29, 2023 Thank you to all who participated in the annual Trunk or Treat at Ahrens Park on Saturday, October 28th! Despite the chilly temperatures, there was a large turnout with many fun and spooky costumes and trunks! Sponsors of this event included: Ahrens Park Foundation, Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation, and the [...]

2023-11-09T14:11:05-06:00October 29th, 2023|Ahrens Park Foundation, Foundation News|

Fruit Tree Workshop at Ahrens Park

March 22, 2022 Imagine Grinnell’s 1000Trees Project invites the public to attend a fruit tree workshop on April 9 at 10-11 a.m. at Ahrens Park. Dr. Suzanne Slack, a faculty member at Iowa State University, will discuss the planting of bare root fruit trees as well as care and maintenance of fruit trees in general. [...]

TRUNK-or-TREAT at Ahrens Park

October 26, 2021 WOW! What a day to remember! Thank you to all the Trick-or-Treaters who came out Saturday morning to help make TRUNK-or-TREAT a smashing success! We'd also like to thank the 35 trunks that ranged from local businesses, community groups, high school sports teams, and local non-profits for participating! And a special [...]

2022-01-27T20:15:50-06:00October 26th, 2021|Ahrens Park Foundation, Foundation News|


September 1, 2021 SAVE THE DATE! After a year of social distancing and disconnection, we are excited to participate in the Healthiest State Initiative 11th Annual Walk, presented by Delta Dental of Iowa, and connect with our fellow Iowans! Please register here for the October 6th walk at Ahrens Parkat 1:00 p.m. The walk [...]

2021-09-01T13:28:27-06:00September 1st, 2021|Ahrens Park Foundation, Foundation News|

Native Landscaping Areas in Bloom

August 16, 2021 Hey, have you noticed our native landscaping areas are starting to bloom? Lots of one eyed susans are popping up everywhere. We have three different areas around the park dedicated to native landscaping to enjoy. Next year we expect full blooms of so many more native flowers and grasses.

Imagine Grinnell provides Trees

May 3, 2021 Trees were distributed at Ahrens Park on May 1st to be planted in wards 3 and 4- generally, south of Hwy 6 in Grinnell. Day 3 of the first big community tree distribution for 1000+ Trees . Thanks to the many community volunteers including the GHS boys [...]

1000+ Trees Grinnell Plans Spring Planting Event

April 19, 2021 Imagine Grinnell and it’s 1000+ Trees Grinnell committee will be hosting a spring planting event on Friday, April 30th & Saturday, May 1st handing out and planting trees purchased from funds received from the Alliant Energy and Trees Forever Branching Out Grant along with 100+ People Who Care. The Friday, April [...]

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