ahrens foundation


April 1, 2016 The foundation administrative offices building for the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation went through a recent makeover with the renovation of a new reception area and additional conference room space.  With increased traffic over the past several years due to the foundation's growing Community Support Services (CSS) program now in its tenth [...]

24 Watertower Square apartments becoming new homes

November 23, 2015 Twelve of the 26 apartments in the Mayflower Community's new Watertower Square have welcomed residents in the past month, and nine more apartments will have residents by January. Residents of three other apartments will move in next year, leaving only two of the 26 apartments unoccupied. The new residences are the [...]

2020-09-29T20:45:27-06:00December 1st, 2015|Foundation News|

Governor Signs Proclamation for Attendance Awareness Month

September 29, 2015 On September 4, representatives from five Iowa Campaign for Grade Level Reading communities convened at the State Capitol for the signing of a special proclamation by Governor Terry Branstad in honor of Attendance Awareness Month. Community members representing the Grinnell Campaign included Julie Gosselink president and CEO of the Claude W. [...]

2020-10-08T21:55:46-06:00September 29th, 2015|Foundation News|


August 27, 2015 The Grinnell Area Arts Council (GAAC) is the 2015 recipient of the “Leave It Better Than You Found It” award from the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation (CDAF). The arts council oversees programming and performances for the Loft Theatre, Arts Academy, Community Theatre, Community Band, Grin City Collective, Music in [...]

2020-10-08T21:57:03-06:00August 28th, 2015|Foundation News|

Tom Marshall, GPCF Founder Dies

March 25, 2015 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Tom Marshall, 81, founder and past president of the Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation. Tom died yesterday in the Mayflower Health Center after battling colon cancer. Two of Tom’s three children were with him and the third completed a visit just [...]

2020-10-08T21:59:01-06:00May 27th, 2015|Foundation News|

New Signage At Ahrens Park

November 18, 2014 Ahrens Park added four large directional maps and eight distance markers to its walking path this fall. The purpose for the signage was to enhance the walking and exercising path and encourage more physical activity. Funding for the signage came from the Poweshiek County Transformation Grant (CTG), which was administered through [...]

2020-10-08T22:00:12-06:00November 18th, 2014|Ahrens Park Foundation, Foundation News|

2005 Outstanding Iowa Corporate/Foundation Philanthropists Award

November 18, 2005 At the 20th Annual Philanthropy Day Luncheon on November 18th the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation received the Association of Fundraising Professionals Outstanding Corporate/Foundation Philanthropists award. President and CEO, Julie Gosselink, accepted the award on behalf of the Foundation at the Des Moines Marriott Hotel.

2020-10-21T15:35:34-06:00January 15th, 2010|Awards, Foundation News|
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