The last installment of Imagine Grinnell’s Waste Reduction Speaker Series concluded on July 22 with a presentation by Jennifer Jordan and Jane Wilch. Jennifer Jordan is the Resource Management Superintendent for the Iowa City Landfill and Recycling Center in Iowa City. Her colleague, Jane Wilch, is the Recycling Coordinator.

The presentation included information about the lifecycle of our trash, including in landfills and recycling facilities. When reducing what goes into these facilities, Jennifer and Jane emphasized partnerships among organizations, students, community members and the city. They explained that change cannot come simply from one group, but is most powerful when community members utilize local partnerships. Grinnell has many partners, including businesses, city staff, the college and its students. And we were reminded of our previous speaker, Jennifer Trent, and her work partnering with schools and businesses to make positive change.

The Community Waste Reduction Speaker Series has ended, but this final presentation reminded us that the outreach is never really over. The conversation is just getting started!

To see the presentation, click this link: Imagine Grinnell 7-22