Strong Foundation

Vertical Marriage Conference at Grinnell Christian Church

October 15, 2021 Event by Ox Strong Men's Ministry Sponsored by the STRONG Foundation Located at the Grinnell Christian Church Tickets · $40 Public is invited! Vertical Marriage Conference - "The one secret that will change your marriage." Whether you are in a seasoned marriage, or just getting started, this conference will have something for [...]

2021-10-28T09:10:45-06:00October 15th, 2021|Strong Foundation|

Funding Assistance Available!

June 29, 2021 We can help with funding assistance for marriage counseling!

2021-06-29T10:55:15-06:00June 29th, 2021|Strong Foundation|

Auction to Benefit STRONG Foundation

February 10, 2021 Nonprofits are vital to building healthy communities and drawing public attention to important issues. This week we would like to highlight the following nonprofit program funds to show our support for being the voice of the people it serves. To show your support too please check out the Gifting Grinnell Virtual Auction [...]

2021-02-17T16:40:03-06:00February 10th, 2021|Strong Foundation|

January 28, 2021 The STRONG Foundation is providing the financial means and resources for struggling marriages to receive necessary counseling. We encourage anyone interested in learning more about the STRONG counseling network to reach out to any of the Grinnell pastors. Pastors in the Grinnell Ministerial Association may make referrals to certified counselors for those [...]

2021-02-01T22:38:39-06:00January 28th, 2021|Strong Foundation|

Grinnell let’s continue to make our community stronger by a generous gift to on…

[ad_1] Grinnell let's continue to make our community stronger by a generous gift to one or more of the funds at These dollars make a huge impact locally on so many needing assistance . #GivingTuesday [ad_2] Source

2020-12-03T22:22:20-06:00December 1st, 2020|Strong Foundation|

October is We Give month

October 22, 2020 October is We Give month for the Claude W. & Dolly Ahrens Foundation/Ahrens Park Foundation and Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation. The STRONG Foundation provides funding assistance for married couples seeking counseling. Please consider supporting them today!

2020-11-04T21:54:38-06:00October 22nd, 2020|Strong Foundation|

Importance of Marriage Counseling

Couples learn quickly before, during and after the wedding ceremony that marriage isn’t as easy as they thought. It requires hard work and commitment. After the blissful honeymoon-period, couples often realize that they are not as compatible as they previously thought. Or they encounter problems which they never thought would be an issue. Or [...]

2020-10-08T20:32:43-06:00October 8th, 2020|Strong Foundation|

When Your Marriage Needs Counseling

If your marriage is having problems, do not wait too long to seek professional help. Marriage counseling (also called couples therapy) can be very effective, especially if couples seek it out sooner rather than later. Read more here...

2020-10-08T20:40:32-06:00August 8th, 2020|Strong Foundation|

New Fund Created with the Ahrens Foundation

Pictured above: Nate and Karie Smith, Linda and Skip Lowe January 3, 2019 Area families may benefit from a new fund established by Grinnell residents Skip and Linda Lowe and Nate and Karie Smith to “strengthen marriages and families.” The STRONG Foundation, a program fund partner of the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation, [...]

2020-10-08T21:16:39-06:00January 4th, 2019|Foundation News, Strong Foundation|
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