Grinnell Food Coalition

Meals from the Heartland meal packaging

October 25, 2021 The Grinnell Food Coalition partnered with local businesses and organizations to bring a Meals from the Heartland packaging opportunity to Grinnell. The event was held on Friday, October 22 at the Bayer offsite warehouse with approximately 100 volunteers gathering to package meals. The macaroni and cheese meal includes a soy protein and [...]

Thank you Pagliai’s Pizza and Prairie Produce!

August 20, 2021 Thank you Pagliai's Pizza Grinnell and Prairie Produce! Pagliai's Pizza of Grinnell donated $2 of each sweet corn pizza they made this past week totaling $578 to the Grinnell Food Coalition. A big thank you to Prairie Produce for donating the sweet corn and partnering with them in this special. Pagliai's stated, [...]

2021-09-01T11:13:17-06:00August 20th, 2021|Grinnell Food Coalition|

Giving Gardens Growing Strong

June 25, 2021 Looking for some free fresh veggies? Check out the Giving Gardens this weekend. Pick some peas or basil at Marvin Garden. Add some zucchini or yellow squash from Summer St. Garden and head over to Ahrens Park garden for more zucchini or kohlrabi. All free! A map to the gardens can be [...]

Final Food Box Distribution May 13

May 9, 2021 The final round of "Time to Eat", our free food box program isĀ  Thursday, May 13. Starting at 4pm for the public. Located at 2021 6th Ave.

April 22nd Free Food Box Distribution

April 21, 2021 Let's Eat! Free Food box distribution is tomorrow- Thursday, Apr. 22 at 4:00. Share with your neighbor, these food boxes are available to anyone. No restrictions or limitations. Find us at 2021 6th Ave.

Next Food Box Pick Up is March 25th

March 22, 2021 Thursday, March 25 starting at 4:00pm! Let's Eat food box distribution. Tell your neighbors! Please no early birds.

March 11 Food Box Distribution

March 5, 2021 Let's Eat! The next round of free food box distribution will be March 11. We have seen the communities desire to participate and have made some changes for this round. If you have a specific need, please private message the GFC.

2021-03-24T14:59:34-06:00March 5th, 2021|Grinnell Food Coalition|

Free Food Box!

February 3, 2021 Grinnell Food Coalition has partnered with the USDA for the next round of food box distribution. Available to anyone! DM us with questions!

2021-02-17T16:37:52-06:00February 3rd, 2021|Grinnell Food Coalition|
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