January 17, 2017
In celebration of International Women’s Day, S.H.E COUNTS and the Grinnell League of Women Voters invite you to write a letter of no more than 300 words to yourself as a younger person—perhaps as a young person starting middle school; perhaps as a freshman entering high school; perhaps as a young adult on the brink of some other major life transition.
Or you can write it to your daughter, granddaughter or someone who reminds you of yourself at that age. Like in memoir writing, this task involves writing about the past with the knowledge of the present. What words of inspiration, advice or wisdom would you like to impart to the next generation?
Please submit your typed letter by February 10th to Jennifer Cogley via email at [email protected] or by mail to 4223 Porter Addition, Grinnell, IA 50112.
All submissions will be printed in a booklet, CELEBRATING THE NEXT GENERATION.
We also invite you to save the date for a celebration dinner on March 8, 2017 at The Grinnell College Golf Course. Event tickets can be purchased beginning February 10th at the Drake Community Library and at the Grinnell Area Chamber of Commerce. Everyone who submits a letter will receive a free copy of the booklet compliments of The Claude and Dolly Ahrens Foundation; our transformative partner for this event.