Dr. J.R. Paulson

JPK Fund Supports Trauma Sensitivity Training for Local Educators

September 21, 2020 The Grinnell Area Mental Health Consortium--JPK Fund recently sponsored trauma sensitivity training for all employees of the Grinnell-Newburg school district. The Sept. 2 training was administered by Please Pass the Love, the Des Moines chapter of a national nonprofit organization that focuses on strengthening and developing mental health systems for schools. [...]

2020-09-29T20:56:20-06:00September 21st, 2020|Foundation News, JPK|

Quarantined: How to survive and thrive!

April 13, 2020 Dr. J.R. Paulson gives great advice on how to survive and thrive while being quarantined. Give it a listen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcSOEuv200U&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2ptt3lBNQ5i9AICD8Fs31Y5qEX0dEfg3bPXI_Q2HZ4LDVLVOPddNkPT_U

2020-10-08T23:06:06-06:00April 13th, 2020|JPK|
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